Welcome to the IPK Kart Store
welcome to IPK kart store
welcome to the IPK kart store

IP Karting UK
Introducing IP Karting UK the Official UK Importer for
IP Karting Srl
IPK UK carry the Full range of IPK karts (Praga, FK, OK1, RS)
including all genuine IPK Spare Parts and Accessories.
Parts are available for next day delivery and from our dedicated
Track side support vehicle which will be present at ALL major UK race meetings as well as providing full Technical Support and advice to ALL IPK Karts; Praga, Formula K, OK1 & RS Karts.
Testing is available in ALL Rotax, X30, ROK and OK Classes on all
IPK Karts
Anyone wishing to arrange a test day with us can contact us via
email ipkartinguk@gmail.com or by Calling +44 (0) 7535645730
Choose your Colour - Race with confidence - Choose IPK